Date City & country Venue Official release or fan tape exists?
15 February London, England Astoria Theatre Yes - TT vol's 32 & 33
6th March London, England Royal Festival Hall - premiere of Dante Alighieri's 'La Divina Commedia' part 2 - 'Purgatorio', follow-up to 'Inferno' Yes - TT vol. 60
Spanish tour:      
The set for all Spanish dates included best of TD & Dream Mixes 4 extracts. NB: Saturday 24th was originally planned but did not take place.      
22nd April Madrid, Spain Aqualung  
23rd April Granada, Spain La Copera
24th April Madrid, Spain Sala Macumba (did not take place)
25th April Barcelona, Spain Bikini Yes - TL vol. 37